
Rite of Passage Journey Camp: John Wollaston Anglican Community School

At AW we love building long and lasting relationships with schools, teachers and students.

At John Wollaston we now deliver a Rite of Passage Journey Camp program for the year 8, 9 and 10 cohorts.  We start by recognising the start of the journey to adulthood and take the year 8 students camping into the beautiful Dwellingup Bush. They experience adventure, challenge learn how to work as a team, cook for themselves. We develop an understanding of what it takes to be good adult. Year 9 students  navigate the Blackwood River for 3 days building their skills and living the challenge in the outdoors.  As transitioning young men and women we acknowledge the path they are walking and honour growth they are making.  In year 10 the Cape to Cape provides an awe-inspiring backdrop to our adventure expedition.  We continue a journey that will test and strengthen the capabilities, resilience and grit developed over the years.  The depth of personal connection to each other provides the space and safety to have conversations that really matter and not feel alone when facing challenge or when life gets tough.

Find out more about our Rite of Passage Journey Camp here.

Parent-Teen Conflict Resolution at Christmas

Health & Wellbeing, Parent Resources|

Christmas can be a uniquely challenging time of year for parents and teens. It only comes around once, so the occasion is loaded with cultural meaning, heightened expectations and emotional turbulence. The good news is that with a little forethought and planning, you can include your teens in the process of reshaping the significance of Christmas, avoid potential conflict, and strengthen your relationship.

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