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Space to navigate the pathway into adulthood.

Rite of Passage outdoor adventure camps and in-school
programs that give students the space to learn critical life skills
like resilience, leadership, and social skills.

Space to navigate the pathway into adulthood.

Rite of Passage outdoor adventure camps and in-school programs that give students the space to learn critical life skills like resilience, leadership, and social skills.

The journey Into Adulthood is more complex than ever…

In previous generations, and today in many cultures, communities provided time, space, direction, and cultural rituals as young people assumed their adult responsibilities. Young people today face greater challenges, just a few being:

– family expectations
– academic pressure
– a lack of connection to the natural world
– appearance expectations
– peer pressure

AdventureWorks WA supports young people to become more connected to who they are, what they value and the kind of life they want to lead.

AdventureWorks has built a really challenging and rewarding program for teenagers moving into adulthood. It offers several opportunities for students to participate, lead, give feedback or simply just challenge themselves through their own choices. Along the way, students learn a lot about themselves and develop confidence, trust, independence and resilience. This is probably the best school camp experience I have seen in my 18 years of teaching and I also find it rewarding for me personally and professionally.

– Year 9 PCG teacher, Into Adulthood Camp.

Growth flourishes in the outdoors

Unlike most other adventure camp providers, our bespoke programs are underpinned by a Rite of Passage framework in tune with the school curriculum, with a focus on health and wellbeing.

Into Adulthood Programs

AdventureWorks WA - We're ready for the green light. #adventureworks #expedition #schoolcamp

Leadership Programs

Student on a high rope adventure during a leadership program

Professional Learning

Every adventure is unique

Within our Rite of Passage framework, we have the freedom to tailor the look and feel of every program we create.

That’s why AdventureWorks is committed to crafting support programs that blend perfectly with your education curriculum…and then go one step further.

Our approach is agile and able to respond quickly to emerging trends, world events and research, so you’ll be at the forefront of positive change.

Strong young people

create healthy communities

We recognise the collective power of whole people. By fostering growth in the next generation, we build confidence, uncover potential leaders, grow greater networks and develop healthier communities.

AW Design Principles

We don’t leave our program design to chance. We have used a combination of rigorous research and our 20+ years’ experience to develop AW’s nine Design Principles, which underpin 100% of our program design.

Life Skills | Leadership | Community | Inspiring Change AdventureWorks Our Why. We are passionate about working with young people. Leadership skills, Leadership Qualities #leadership #leadershipqualities #leadershipskills
RISK & CHALLENGE2020-06-05T06:25:12+08:00

Know the limits, love the limits
We understand that the road to adulthood is tricky. Because of this, others shy away. Not us. With over 20 years’ experience in the game, we understand the power of the outdoor environment, and how far we push on the outside to create positive change on the inside.

How we do it
AW believes in stretching young people to push past their perceptions of risk and their own capability in a supported, fun environment.
We regularly use healthy risk and challenge to help young people see their capabilities, challenging them to push further than they think is possible.
We are disrupting the status quo, working to normalise and celebrate healthy risk-taking. Learning from challenge is essential to growth and reaching potential.


QUIET & REFLECTION2020-06-05T06:30:30+08:00

More Space. Less Pace.
We are the antithesis of daily life, detaching people physically and mentally and bringing them together in shared solitude.
We return to a space with a connection to nature, where people have time to think and space to get to know who they are and who they can become.

How we do it
AW programmes provide regular opportunities for stillness and calm. We are building the capacity of our young people to sit alone and feel capable of self-reflection in that space.
AW creates the space for young people to process and reflect on experiences both individually and together.
We facilitate regular opportunities for a full body and mind check- in, helping to build emotional awareness and self-reflection skills.


SKILLS & SERVICE2020-06-05T06:35:36+08:00

Life skills, not camping tools.
Our work doesn’t finish when you leave. Helping people realise their potential is the first step on their path to achieving it.
We work with the school curriculum and alongside the community surrounding young people to ensure development of these skills continue.

How we do it
AW develops all programmes with the goal of building skills and capabilities that are transferrable to every area of a young person’s life.
We work with young people to identify their strengths and then support them to link those strengths with how they can serve the wider community.
We believe in empowered young people to help take their place in their community, building their sense of purpose and belonging, which in turn builds resilience to challenge.


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION2020-06-05T06:44:15+08:00

Creating quality conversations.
We create capacity for real conversations. We listen and are listened to. When people are truly heard understandings can be reached, frustrations can crumble, and resentments can be solved.
This shared understanding of each other develops deeper connections and stronger relationship skills.

How we do it
AW celebrates the richness that comes with diverse experience and supports young people to connect with each other through conversation and story.
We believe that story has the power to unite and connect and that this building of connection can break down barriers where they may have existed before.



Great stuff happens in hard places.
We believe that the best things happen when things get tough.
In these moments, we are forced into an uncomfortable place which helps us realise how strong and resilient we truly are.
This place is where the magic happens.

How we do it
AW is committed to embracing and honouring failure for the growth that it brings.
We encourage our clients to acknowledge and honour the successes and pride ourselves on knowing that success looks different for everyone.
Our programmes create a safe environment to explore what success and failure looks like for each of us.


CONNECTION TO SELF2019-09-24T15:41:04+08:00

Every young person has potential.
Every young person has the potential to be brilliant. Sometimes it’s clear and sometimes you need help to find it.
When you realise this potential, you can become the best version of yourself.

How we do it
Every AW programme is designed with the student as the focus, with the goal to increase everyone’s self- efficacy and awareness.
We give young people ownership of their experience by creating an environment built on equity.
We support students to identify and connect with their strengths, passions and gifts building confidence and intrinsic motivation.

CONNECTION TO NATURE2019-09-24T15:51:18+08:00

Growth flourishes in the outdoors.
Just like the growth that surround us, success in nature occurs through organic balance of the right ingredients.
We take these ingredients – light, space, quiet, challenge and use them to create an environment ripe for self-discovery.

How we do it
AW uses profound nature to create separation from the shackles of daily life.
We leverage off this disconnection from routine and technology to increase and deepen connection in the cohort, both amongst students and adults.

CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY2019-09-24T15:52:54+08:00

Strong young people create healthy communities.
We recognise the collective power of whole people. By fostering growth in the next generation, we build confidence, uncover potential leaders, grow greater networks and develop healthier communities.

How we do it
AW believes in creating clear pathways for young people to use what they learn on our programmes to contribute to building healthy communities.
We build on the understanding of students that they are part of something greater than just themselves and challenge them to consider their place in their community.

INNOVATION & CREATIVITY2019-09-24T15:54:45+08:00

Embrace change.
We believe in a mindset open to change. This change culture enables successful outcomes for ourselves and the people we work with.
We make sure it flows through our organisation and is present in every engagement we have.

How we do it
AW is committed to programme design that is agile and able to respond quickly to emerging trends and research.
We deliver programmes that create a space for students to explore different avenues for creative expression, building their capacity to problem-solve and think outside the box.


We help teachers deliver extra-curricular content that supports health and wellbeing outcomes that meet curriculum needs. Students experience a positive transition into adulthood with life skills, not camping tools.

The knowledge and passion of our tribe is unmatched

Our beautiful bunch of adventurers embody everything we stand for and we know you’re going to love them just as much as we do.

AdventureworksWA | Experts in creating space to navigate your future

They are the best in the business, consistently using their unique skill-sets to ensure that all AW programs are delivered in the best way and that every single one has a positive impact on students and communities alike.

Meet the Tribe

AdventureWorks team Mary and Scott

Join the Tribe

Adventure Works WA | Rite of Passage Camps | Dunsborough Camping | John Wollaston

Program outcomes

Connected people, healthy communities.

Connection to self

Knowing the potential within.

Connection to nature

Caring about the natural world.

Connection to community

Feeling like I belong.

AdventureWorks WA programs build critical life skills, such as:

Social awareness
Relationship skills
Critical thinking

  • Critical thinking

  • Collaboration
  • Social awareness

AdventureWorks WA programs build critical life skills, such as:

  • Leadership

  • Risk-taking
  • Decision-making
  • Relationship skills

  • Adaptability

  • Self-management

  • Critical thinking

  • Collaboration
  • Social awareness

“I have learned a lot about strengths I have and the strengths I could improve to be a better person. I’ve learned to express myself and open up a little more. I’ve learned about the kind of person that I want to be.”

– Year 10 student after Into Adulthood Journey.

Let’s talk

AdventureworksWA | Experts in creating space to navigate your future

Please enter your contact information below and our friendly team will get back to you shortly!

AdventureWorks WA
90a Commonage Road
+61 8 9796 1000

AdventureworksWA | Experts in creating space to navigate your future

AdventureWorks and its team would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live and recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. AdventureWorks further pledge our commitment to increasing understanding and connection to Aboriginal Australians through the work we do with young Australians and as individuals.

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