New Tribe Member Information.



You’re in! We are looking forward to seeing your genius in the field. Just a few things to cover off before your first working day with us.

AdventureWorks WA Handbook
Please find below the Employee Handbook. The purpose of this document is to provide new Tribe members with the information for them to know what it means to be a part of the Tribe, as well as key policies and documentation. Please have a read through, and then sign and send back the acknowledgement so we can place this on your file.

This is the system/application we use to publish Tribe rosters and receive your availability and work confirmation. By now you should have received an email inviting you to join Deputy. For further instructions please visit the link below which contains user guides on the following topics, which are important for you to review before using the system/application. It is expected you will download this on your mobile device and use it to view and confirm upcoming programs.

AW Tribe Facebook Page
An informal platform for you to connect with other Tribe members, seek or share information about programs, resources, activities or anything that can support you all bring the best of yourselves to your work and continue to grow your skills. Also useful for seeking lifts, borrowing equipment or sharing tips and ideas.

Social Media and Web Links
Check out the AdventureWorks WA links below. We encourage you to follow and like our online presence through the following link


Our “Tribe Briefs” contain all the info you will need for our programs. (Dates, location, food, what to pack, crew, contact / emergency info, etc)

They will be posted on the Tribe Information page on the portal

Before each term, programs will be listed with basic info that will be helpful in preparation of your shift.
This will be replaced by a DRAFT version of the Tribe Brief (ideally 2 weeks before each camp).

A couple days prior to the program start, the FINAL Tribe Brief will be uploaded, changes may have occurred since the DRAFT version so this is the program that you should print and work from. On completion of the program they will be removed.

It is your responsibility that you read the Tribe Brief prior to the start of the program, and are comfortable with the content and your ability to deliver the program + client outcomes.  Don’t forget that you can refer to the resources on this page for support, ideas and sample activities. Or ask us in advance if you have any questions!

It is our expectation that you will turn up fully prepared and ready to go for each program. This includes staying familiar with SOPs and Risk Assessments.